Modifies details of Quote costs.
The ID of the Quote.
JSON values containing the new cost values. See the example for more details.
$costs = ['stock' => [
['sid' => 1,
'amt' => 10,
'cost' => 100,
'price' => 50,
'tax' => 20,
'gross' => 60],
['sid' => 9,
'amt' => 5,
'cost' => 15,
'price' => 25,
'tax' => 15,
'gross' => 28.75],
['sid' => 10,
'amt' => 20,
'cost' => 5,
'price' => 10,
'tax' => 25,
'gross' => 12.5]
'total_cost' => 12430,
'other' => [
['description' => 'Other Thing One',
'amt' => 50,
'cost' => 200,
'price' => 100,
'tax' => 20,
'gross' => 120],
['description' => 'Other Thing Two',
'amt' => 100,
'cost' => 5,
'price' => 250,
'tax' => 30,
'gross' => 325]
'verbose' => [
['summary' => 'First summary.',
'verbose_descr' => 'First description.',
'net_price' => '500',
'gross' => 600],
['summary' => 'Second summary.',
'verbose_descr' => 'Second description.',
'net_price' => '250',
'gross' => 300]
'stock_total_cost' => 1175,
'stock_total_price' => 825,
'stock_total_gross' => 993.75,
'sor' => [
['sid' => 1,
'amt' => 1,
'cost' => 5,
'tax' => 20,
'price' => 6]
'sor_total_cost' => 5,
'sor_total_price' => 6,
'other_total_cost' => 10500,
'other_total_price' => 30000,
'other_total_gross' => 38500,
'verbose_total_cost' => 750,
'verbose_total_price' => 750,
'verbose_total_gross' => 900];
FM_api('Quote_costsSet', ['id' => '1', 'costs' => json_encode($costs));