
Returns the Invoice Statuses of Appointments



The IDs of the Appointments which Invoice Statuses will be retrieved from.


FM_api('Appointments_getInvoiceStatuses', ['ids' => ['592012','592013']])


On Success

For each Appointment, the data returned is the following in this order: The Status of the Invoice: (Quoted => 0, Invoiced => 1, Paid => 2, Cancelled => 3, Credit Note => 4, DRAFT => 5) The date that the Invoice was sent to an Email The Invoice Number The due date of the Invoice

{"592012":["1","2024-08-20 14:22:06","123","1726099200"],"592013":["1","2024-08-20 14:27:23","124","1724976000"]}

On Failure

If the "ids" parameter is not set:

{"error":"missing or invalid parameter: ids"}

If there are no Jobs with Invoices:


Last updated