
Exports Asset Maintenance data as a single attached CSV file, can use parameters to filter which Maintenances will be exported.


Only Maintenances which include the value of this parameter will be valid


An integer value for how many days back Maintenances will be considered valid


An integer filter which only allows Maintenances that will occur in the next few days ahead.


An integer value which decides if Active or Inactive Maintenances will be exported: 0 => Only Inactive Maintenances are exported 1 => Only Active Maintenances are exported



This would export any Inactive Maintenances between now and 4 weeks ago, which include the term "Finance"


These results are from downloaded CSV files

Example 1:

If there are no Maintenances or they are all excluded due to the filter parameters:

"Asset Maintenance ID",Asset,Owner,Description,"Next Job",Started,Expires,Recurs,Status

Example 2:

Active Jobs a week ago and within the week ahead are included, "search" parameter is unused:

"Asset Maintenance ID",Asset,Owner,Description,"Next Job",Started,Expires,Recurs,Status
31016,"Wood (34)",test owner,"Shelves Production","18/08/2023 - api tests",2023-08-15,2023-10-17,"every 3 days",Active
31017,"Transport ()",test owner,"Company Car Fuel","15/08/2023 - api tests",2023-08-15,,"every 1 days",Active
31018,"Budget Review ()",,"Overview and Consideration","15/08/2023 - user not set",2023-08-15,,"every 14 weeks",Active

"Wood" has a serial number of 34 Asset Maintenances 31017 and 31018 do not have an expiration date Asset Maintenance 31018 does not have a set user

Last updated