
Sets the contents of a row in an Asset Table, or creates a new row



The ID of the row


The ID of the Asset Table containing this row


The ID of the Asset which has the table containing this row


An object with numeric indexes, contains all field values in the row (If a field is the "datetime" type, its value will be in epoch time format)


  'row'=>'{"1":"test result","2":"1690456523"}'


On Success

The number matches the "id" parameter


On Failure

If the "id" parameter is not present or less than 0: (The id can start as 0 if a new row is being created, so 0 is valid here)

{"error":"missing or invalid parameter: id"}

If the "aid" parameter is not present or less than 1:

{"error":"missing or invalid parameter: aid"}

If the "tid" parameter is not present or less than 1:

{"error":"missing or invalid parameter: tid"}

If the "row" parameter is not present or has an incorrect format when decoded:

{"error":"missing or invalid parameter: row"}

Last updated